[vc_row padding_top= »0px » padding_bottom= »0px » border= »none » parallax_image= » »][vc_column fade_animation= »in » fade_animation_offset= »45px » width= »1/1″][custom_headline type= »center » level= »h2″ looks_like= »h3″]exercice de compréhension orale sur le tabac[/custom_headline][text_output]
Les règlements contre l’industrie du tabac et les restrictions contre la vente de cigarettes n’ont jamais été plus stricts qu’aujourd’hui, et pourtant les chiffres d’affaires des grandes multinationales du tabac telles que Philip Morris International (PMI), British American Tobacco (BAT), ou Japanese Tobacco International (JTI) ne cessent d’augmenter. Comment expliquer ce phénomène?
Eh bien, c’est assez simple en fait. Alors que le nombre de fumeurs a nettement baissé dans les pays développés (grâce aux régulations mentionnées ci-dessus), il continue d’augmenter de façon alarmante dans les pays en voie de développement (parce qu’il y a encore très peu de règlements dans ces pays là).
Pour notre exercice de compréhension orale, voici un extrait d’un talk-show américain (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver) sur ce sujet important. Avant de regarder la vidéo, lisez la liste de vocabulaire ci- dessous. Une fois que vous avez appris le vocabulaire et regardé la vidéo, essayez de répondre aux questions à la fin de cet article. Bonne chance!
[/text_output][image type= »none » float= »none » info= »none » info_place= »top » info_trigger= »hover » src= »8547″ alt= »exercice de compréhension orale » href= » » title= » » info_content= » » lightbox_caption= » » id= » » class= » » style= » »][text_output]Vocabulaire
– Cornerstone: the base or center of something.
– To settle back: to lay back and relax.
– Icon: person or thing seen as a symbol and worthy of veneration.
– Ruggedness: roughness, strength.
– Steadily: that occurs at a regular and unchanging pace.
– Warning label: small piece of paper attached to a product giving information about it.
– To decimate: to destroy, to remove a large portion of something.
– Extent: the size or area covered by something.[/text_output][text_output]Vidéo pour cet exercice de compréhension orale
écoutez de 0:00 à 2:50[/text_output][x_video_embed type= »16:9″]
1. Were cigarettes an important part of American society in the 60s? (Elaborate)
2. What was Marlboro’s first slogan?
3. How were the actors who played in Marlboro commercials called?
4. What values were these actors supposed to represent?
5. How many actors playing in Marlboro commercials died from smoking-related diseases?
6. Why is it strange for us to see old tobacco ads today?
7. What did the ex-CEO of Phillip Morris claim about the babies of mothers who smoked?
8. When and why did JTI and PMI retire Joe the Camel and the Marlboro Man?
9. Did government regulations and marketing restrictions help lower smoking rates in the U.S.? By what amount?
10. Were tobacco companies greatly affected by this market loss in the U.S.?
Did they recover?
11. Why has tobacco production increased despite all the regulations against it and also despite the fact that much less Americans smoke than 40 years ago?
1. Yes. Cigarettes were present everywhere in the media, including in the hands of trusted newsmen and beloved cartoon characters.
2. Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country.
3. Marlboro Men.
4. Ruggedness and freedom.
5. Four.
6. Because, for the past fifty years, America has steadily limited how tobacco companies can behave.
7. That their babies were just as healthy as those born from non-smoking mothers.
8. In the late nineties. Because the anti-tobacco regulations were becoming too stringent.
9. Yes. They lowered adult smoking rates from 43% in 1965 to 18% today.
10. Not in the long run. They recovered quite fast.
11. Because in some other places of the world, people are smoking more, sometimes to a shocking extent.
Vous avez aimé la première partie de cet exercice de compréhension orale? Alors essayez de faire la deuxième partie (plus compliquée!) en cliquant sur ce lien: http://englishclassviaskype.com/listening-and-reading-exercises/reading-and-listening-exercise-about-tobacco-companies.
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